Nature, beach and the sea, surrounded by the shape of a yellow sun: these are the symbols that have been characterizing holidays at Park Gallanti for many years, turning into the official logo of the structure. Printed on t-shirts, bags and gadgets, symbol of identification in catalogues and brochures, the logo is the image that allows to recognize at first glance a holiday village which is special for many families that keep on choosing it year after year as a destination for their holidays.
Just after the celebration of the village’s 60th anniversary, we felt the desire to renew our logo. We put ourselves at work in order to renew without forgetting about traditions and all the elements that allowed Park Gallanti to be what it is today. So, the new logo has incorporated the previous one, turning into what you can see today on our website and social platforms: the tree has taken a more rounded shape, close to the summer sun, and the sea wave is more marked.
The circle which used to contain the elements has been removed to make you feel a sense of freedom: the same freedom you perceive on the green areas, across the paths and on the private beach. The line that divides the name of the structure from its classification is the line that connects history, friendship and tradition to modernity, innovation and services.
The logo renewal is the first of a various news setted for 2020 that will make your holidays more pleasant, relaxing and funny than ever!